With visas finally in hand, EHRI’s implementation team will travel to Wanless Hospital Miraj Medical Center (WHMMC) on 6/24 to introduce our software to a new corner of the globe – India. When we arrive at WHMMC we will begin implementing HarmoniMD, the system I have been developing with our team over the last 12 months. This implementation is exciting and holds huge potential for a number of reasons.
India covers 2% of the planet’s land surface, yet it is home to almost 20% of the world’s population. Despite the enormous strides India has made in recent decades the healthcare services there remain largely unchanged over the last few decades. As a result of this there are mountains of paper medical records and files that are in danger of being lost or damaged. More seriously, infant and maternal mortality rates, and infections during treatment remain significant problems in India.
The hospital where we are implementing HarmoniMD, WHMMC, provides medical services to 20 million residents that live in a 250km radius. The hospital provides care regardless of race, caste, creed or the ability to pay. This makes WHMMC unique as a majority of India’s healthcare is delivered through private hospitals and clinics.
WHMMC is a century old hospital that is connected to the Presbyterian Church of the USA and is situated in the middle of a large concentration of medical facilities. WHMMC has been a training ground for practicing physicians to hone their skills and adopt great medical practices since 1894. We are very excited for opportunity to work with WHMMC, as they are not only one of the largest and most respected hospitals in the region, they are also dedicated to providing the highest quality health care for all in need.
At EHRI we believe that the implementation and guided use of our software solutions, coupled with the construction of standardized medical practices, protocols, and checklists, will improve the quality and speed of the excellent healthcare delivered at WHMMC. It is my personal belief that our innovative software will also save lives, time and significant funds for WHMMC, and healthcare facilities around the world. Personality influences the way we make decisions.
Stay tuned,
Andrew Patrick, Desktop Application Developer