EHRI’s implementation team made it home safe and sound from their implementation trip to Wanless Hospital Miraj Medical Center (WHMMC) in India. To learn more about why this trip was so significant, click here. To learn about why this trip was so successful, read on…
Andrew Patrick, Developer of HarmoniMD and I left for Wanless four weeks ago to get HarmoniMD and HarmoniMobile implemented and adopted. This was a big mountain to climb, but thanks to a well crafted implementation plan, intuitive software and the smart and motivated staff at WHMMC, we were able to get this facility up and running in a matter of days. This is significant as most enterprise level software systems take between 270-540 days to implement, not 20!
Being on the ground implementing, encoding and training end-users came with some very pleasant surprises. We started by training the nurses who, to our momentary disappointment, had little experience using tablets. Yet the ease with which these nurses picked up the tool and began navigating the software was inspiring. Even with the language barrier (right now Harmoni is only available in Spanish, French and English), these Indian nurses embraced the software with speed and excitement. After the initial training sessions the nurses began educating me on care delivery and how they are able to use the various functions of Harmoni to deliver better care to their patients. It was wonderful to see these young nurses become empowered by this tool so quickly. The doctors even began asking the nurses to see their new tool and asking me when they could have it too!
This deployment in one of WHMMC’s many ICU’s (and their affiliated wards) was successful and educational. By spending extensive time with the end-users and IT staff at WHMMC we gained a deeper appreciation and understanding of how our tool is used in practice. We received some great feedback on how we can make Harmoni even more intuitive and useful in the clinical environment, and of course we received a “wish list” of features to include in the next version of Harmoni.
We are continuing to monitor the usage, answer end-user questions, increase the number of departments using Harmoni, and ensure the groundwork we laid these past 20 days continues down the path to increased usage among nurses, doctors and department heads. In the meantime, we are fine tuning our implementation plan, making minor improvements to Harmoni and preparing to expand our work to advance healthcare in India and beyond.
Learn what makes you act the way you do.
Stay tuned,
Pilar Cortes
International Implementation Manager,
E-Health Records International, Inc.