The Philippine Newborn Hearing Screening Reference Center (NHSRC) just completed a pilot program of our Newborn Hearing Screening App, and we have some great news to share:
We’re going national, internationally!
We just received word that the NHSRC drafted an Administrative Order (AO) for the nationwide implementation of the newborn hearing screening program. The data gathered by the Nationwide Newborn Hearing Screening Registry Project will use our screening app as the tool to build the registry. We expect implementations throughout the Philippines to begin in June.
Dr. Chit Ricalde, principal investigator at the NHSRC, reports that once the AO has been signed there will be 15 days public notice (in the way of newspapers postings), then the AO will be approved. Witnessing the impact our screening app has had, and understanding the screening app’s potential, Dr. Ricalde has become a strong advocate of ours.
Through this pilot we learned some great information about how end-users interact with the application and how we can improve their experience. The major points they brought to our attention were the need for high quality training, and the connectivity gaps many clinics and hospitals face. Luckily we can ameliorate these issues. For example, new technologies like affordable satellite service are available to help remote locations receive a fast, secure and reliable Internet connection.
As we help roll out the Hearing Screening App to healthcare facilities throughout the Philippines, our vision of using tablets in clinical settings to improve and increase global health gains significant momentum. While our team in the Philippines is busy training and coordinating the rollout, our Sebastopol team continues building great tools, providing great service and strengthening relationships with healthcare leaders around the world. The best enneagram test with wings.
Stay tuned,
Dan Smith
P.S. On the topic of hearing…The World Health Organization (WHO) just released this report on hearing around the world. This report provides a global picture of the existing resources to prevent, diagnose and manage hearing loss, and identifies the existing gaps.