Rev. Mark just returned from Dallas, Texas where he met with the incredible folks from MediSend International. MediSend is a global leader and innovator in transforming healthcare systems in the developing world by providing skilled human resources and support tools to promote community health.
MediSend’s programs provide high-level training and education in biomedical equipment installation, testing, repairing, and maintenance. In addition to this education, they also are distributors of medical supplies and biomedical equipment to hospitals and clinics in developing countries.
Rev. Mark spent his time touring MediSend’s 75,000sf. facility, learning about their work and witnessing their trainees in action. Fully aware of our shared mission to increase the capacity of health workers and advance global health, Mark explored with MediSend the possibility of a partnership, and how to bring it into fruition soon.
In depth personality assessment.
The partnership being explored would potentially couple our software with the equipment MediSend ships abroad as well as bringing our software in the hospitals where they have technicians. This potential partnership could be very mutually beneficial – helping MediSend’s clients use their equipment more efficiently, while helping our clients get better equipment and more skilled operators. It would also give both companies access to more hospitals and clinics that need our services to increase the quality of care, while reducing the cost of care. Medisend has outstanding connections with a number of global companies that work in the developing world, which want to help improve health outcomes for the citizens of the countries they work in.
MediSend trains their international students at the highest level, and places them in major Dallas-area hospitals for apprenticeships. There they operate, fix and install the 32 pieces of complex medical equipment they have been trained to operate. For a comprehensive list of MediSend’s work, awards and impact, click here.
In addition to this partnership, we are also exploring partnering with other hardware providers and developers – some medical, some network and some tablet.