Once considered a problem only in high income countries, obesity has been dramatically rising in low- and middle-income countries. Much research has shown that obesity is a major risk factor for various chronic diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, cancers and diabetes.
In the pursuit of advancing global health, we are required to meet the needs of the ever-evolving global health environment. Luckily HarmoniMD is such a large tool it can easily be configured and reconfigured to meet the needs of clinics focused on treating specific ailments, like diabetes, even in the most challenging environments.
With this trend of increased obesity, and thus diabetes around the globe, there has been an explosion in the growth of dialysis clinics around the world. In the Philippines alone there are over one thousand private and public dialysis clinics. Much like the rest of the healthcare system, these dialysis clinics are underfunded, overcrowded, and rely on 20th century tools.
We are excited to announce that this week we began implementing HarmoniMD in the first of many private hemodialysis clinics in the Philippines (we have dubbed this instance HarmoniHD, referring to hemodialysis). Our team in the Philippines is spending the next three weeks at the Dialysis Center in Bicol, Philippines, ensuring the staff is properly trained to leverage HarmoniHD and HarmoniMobile in the clinical setting. The BicolHemodialysis Center is one of 435 Dialysis Clinics in the Philippine Society of Nephrology’s network of care centers. People’s personality types often affect their health.
Late next week doctors, nurses, clinicians and administrators at the Bicol Dialysis Center will be admitting patients, accessing patient files and tracking patient histories, all at a fraction of the time and cost of their previous paper-based health record management system. We are excited to begin making a big impact on diabetes management in the Philippines and soon far beyond.